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App: Potty Training Alarm Clock

  (10 votes)
Views: 346
Category Health
Requires os version:Android2.2 and up
Is your kid planing to say goodbye to diapers? We offer a wonderful alarm which helps children remember to use potty chair ,for

pee in specified intervals,by playing recorded audio of their own or beloved

one's sweet voice. Features Included: -set reminder intervals(30 minutes/1 hr/1:30hr ..etc)for as many kids as you

need. -can input kids name which helps to identify each kid's(in case of twins or

siblings)reminder. -Choose kids or beloved ones voice as alarm tone. -Can edit the reminder at any time. -It can also be used as medication reminder application. How it works:-- -Click 'Add Item' to set a new reminder for a kid's pee activity.Enter the kid's

name,set interval(30 minutes/1 hr/1:30hr ..etc),record desired voice as tone. -Home screen shows the list of reminders with kids name,next reminder time and

the interval selected. -Can ON/OFF any time(e.g.: during nap time just select OFF and can ON once you

required). -Can edit the reminder by taping on the name/description. Finally don't forget to do the happy dance or offer a small reward

(stickers/chocolates/cookies)when there is success. Good Luck!!!!!

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