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App: AppTrailers

  (2 votes)
Views: 280
Category Entertainment
Requires os version:Android2.3.3 and up
Preview 'Video Trailers' of Apps and get points that you can redeem with PayPal cash, Amazon gift codes and many more with AppTrailers!

Watch the hottest high quality streaming videos of Apps in Google play! The only place you can see a movie preview of an App and get rewarded for it! See hot trailers from DeNa, Supercell, Glu Mobile, Kabaam, Rovio, EA, King and several others

Similar to Fandango and Flixster, App Trailers lets you Preview new video trailers of Apps that you have never seen before!

App Trailers is completely FREE to use and is a great way to quickly view and check out the best features of an App in Android. Bonus alert, check out the new Uploaded videos. Fun and entertaining, Uploaded is where Twitter meets Youtube!

Get AppTrailers Today!

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