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App: Effective Weight Loss Guide

  (5587 votes)
Views: 33791
Category Health
Requires os version:Android2.3 and up
Are you planning for weight loss and searching for weight loss tips...?

This Application provides you a huge collection of weight loss tips,BMI calculator and Calories chart for various food items which are simple as well as assure weight loss.The application provides simple and economical weight tips for people of all ages.It includes the natural weight losing tips,some simple home remediesfor losing weight,what food should taken to reduce weight,what food should be avoided, some simple exercises,BMI calculator,weight loss recipes and yoga for weight loss.It gives you a wonderful chance to be in healthy and good shapeThe Body Mass Index(BMI) calculator helps you to know whether you are under weight or normal weight or obese.The Calories chart provides you guidance in taking food according to your weight and also lets you know the recommended calories for your age.

The application has several categories to provide weight loss guidance in all aspects and the categories are

** Weight Loss Tips** Weight Loss Recipes** Fat Calculators** Yoga For Weight loss

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////***NOTE*** The application will be updated frequently...Checkout for updates...!!!

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